About Course
Everyone faces the question of “What do I want to achieve?” at some point in their lives, and this is where goal setting comes into play. Setting goals is a planning process that helps you to clearly identify what you wish to achieve in your priority life areas, such as your career, relationships, finances, health, personal development, and the manner in which you contribute to the world.
Goal setting is a highly beneficial process for envisioning your ideal future, and also for motivating you to turn this vision into a tangible reality. You can determine your general direction in life through the process of setting goals. Having a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve will allow you to focus your efforts accordingly. Also, you will quickly identify factors that can easily lead you astray.
Goals are concise expressions of what you hope to achieve within a specific time frame. As well as providing structure and definition to your life, they are distinctly more specific than vague dreams or aspirations. Whether you are a CEO, self-employed, unemployed, or working through a life transition, having clear and attainable life goals will empower you to continue to grow and develop as a person.
By establishing goals, you can gain long-term vision while also gaining short-term motivation. The process enables you to define and focus your learning, as well as to organize your time and your resources so that you can maximize your potential. In addition, you will gain greater self-confidence as you recognize your own ability and competence to accomplish the goals you have set.
Course Content
The Goal Setting and Action Plan
Set a Goal for Life
00:00Introduction to Goal Setting
00:00Key Essential of Goal Setting
00:00Career Goal
00:00Academic Goal – 01